Carousel – TV Show Tracking App

As a passion project, a friend of mine and I decided that we wanted to design the user interface for a TV show tracking application.

What: Carousel is an app to track the TV shows you watch. You can keep track of which episodes you’ve seen and even keep track of the order in which you want to watch shows.

Role: Designer, Interviewer, Researcher

Tools: Figma

For this project, I conducted several interviews with people to ask what they would want out of an app like this and their preferences. From these interviews we found that users would like a tagging system to see which episodes they can watch during certain holidays, which episodes are the funniest, which episodes are plot essential, etc. After this, we moved on to creating user goals and task flows. These allowed use to map out how a user would navigate through out app to achieve specific goals and are shown below:

User Goals & Task Flows/Wire Flows:

Features: Custom tagging (tag filler episodes, holiday episodes, etc.), can mark episodes you’ve watched, priority list for order you want to watch stuff, profile page, can add shows, can like your favorite shows

After creating some low-fidelity prototypes, we moved onto a high-fidelity prototype. Below is some of the designs we created for our design of the app:

Note: This project is still ongoing, so my case study for this project is not complete and does not include our final design; however, after it is finished, I will update this page further.

What Am I? – JavaScript Game

As a project, I designed and coded a game called “What Am I?” completely from scratch. The game is a riddle game in which the player guesses what the object is based on hints and is awarded points based of how many hints the use to answer the riddle. The game was coded using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Play the game here.

Hypertext Narrative

One of my projects was to complete a Hypertext Narrative. For this project, using my knowledge of HTML and CSS, I was required to create a multi-page, hypertext narrative story that was thoughtful and creative in nature. I decided to have fun with my project and make it a choose your own adventure story about the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. In this story, the user can choose which nation they would like to be a part of and an animal that determines the story they will be a part of.

This Hypertext Narrative was 100% coded, from scratch, by me, in HTML and CSS. 

Here is the link to the full project:

SK Personal(ity)

Website for SK Personal(ity)

I designed and developed a website for Stephanie Cenedella’s business SK Personal(ity).

Above, the design on the right was created to incorporate the asterisk symbol from my client’s logo into a background she could use for her contact page.

Click here to see the full website!